How To Get Sponsored on Instagram Fast

Curtis Tredway
4 min readJun 22, 2018


Everyone wants to be a social media influencer these days and can you blame them?

They are able to get paid to the lifestyle they want, doing the things they want to do and get free products whilst doing so.

People seem to think that you have to have a large following or be extremely good looking to get sponsored but I have good news for you. You Don’t!

I’m a digital marketer and I specialize in social media marketing, yet I hate social media. I mean, I hate the idea of people’s need to validate themselves by posting unrealistic pictures, portraying just the positive aspects of their lives.

So whilst I am on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat for years I hardly used any of them. Except to talk to friends.

I realized being in the social media marketing industry I need to demonstrate that I am capable of growing brands by working on my own personal branding. I was saying I was an expert in the field yet I had 140 likes on Twitter, and about 190 followers on Instagram. It wasn’t a good look.

So 2 weeks ago I decided to take my expertise and apply it to myself. Since then I have already received several sponsorship opportunities and almost doubled my following.

Let me share my tips with you.

3 Steps to Skyrocket Your Instagram Account

Step 1: Get Active

No I don’t mean go to the gym and exercise. I mean get active on social media. You need to start posting content and do it regularly.

I have been trialing over the past couple of weeks different scheduling tactics and for me pictures did best when posting at around 4 pm. I also tried different frequencies and after a couple of days posting daily my engagement rate went down. So what is the best frequency to post content? It’s important to be constantly pushing out high quality content, however if you do too much your audience will become disinterested. So I now post every second day.

Step 2: Hashtags

The ultimate tool for increasing your reach. Go crazy. You can use up to 30 hashtags per post.

However make sure that the hashtags are relevant to your post and your niche. Additionally, to maximise the performance of your hashtags use some popular hastags (i.e. been used over 50 000 times) and use some really specific, unique hastags (below 20 000). The hashtags that have been used less are more likely to have your posts listed on trending and stay on top for a longer period of time. The hastags which are used frequently will end up having your post buried in no time.

Step 3: Engage

To properly grow your following from next to nothing you need to engage.

Start by following people in your social circle and local area. After that search for influences in a similar niche as your own and follow their followers. If you have the time go to their recent posts and follow the people who engaged with the post as these are the more active users. Meaning they are most likely to engage with you and follow you back.

The next part of engaging is liking and commenting, search a tag relevant to your nich and scroll through recent posts and like all of them. The maximum you can do is 200 per hour, if you do any more you will most likely get banned. Whilst your looking through recent posts try find pages with large following and leave a comment. Being the first to comment on a large post, you will tend to get a lot of attention.

The Results:

If you follow these 3 simple steps everyday for a couple of weeks you will achieve great results.

In just 2 weeks my posts went from averaging around 30 likes up to 100 plus. My Instagram following went from 140–520 and my Twitter following went from 190–570.

Whilst I did get offered several scam sponsorships, I did in effect get offered 3 legitimate sponsorships, 2 were for clothing lines and one was for a health and nutrition brand. For those who might argue that I’m really good looking you can check out my Instagram below.

I recognise that my following isn’t massive but that is an exceptional growth and if I can keep up my efforts for 10 weeks I should be at around 3000 followers on Instagram.

Please note you can very easily adapt and apply these steps to platforms such as Twitter, Linked In and Medium.

Content and posting tips:

  1. Switch your Instagram account to a business account, this will give you access to analtics for your account.
  2. Timing: Using Instagram’s analytics you can determine what time your audience is most active and post your content accordingly
  3. Themes: Having a theme for your Instagram will do wonders. Users want consistency, they don’t want to be following a page about cars, to have it change its content to fashion. If you can keep your theme consistent you will be much more popular. Second using a pattern for your Instagram will make it much more aesthetically appealing. View popular patterns and layouts here

I hope you found this article insightful, if you did hold down the clap button!

Follow the link below to read my latest article and find our how Instagram is about to disrupt the video sharing and marketing industries.

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Curtis Tredway
Curtis Tredway

Written by Curtis Tredway

Will I author my own reality, or will I hand the pen to someone else? I am a digital marketing specialist and content creator with a dream to go international.

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