What is The Middle Class Millionaire?
Hitting that $1 000 000 mark is a point where people think “I have made it”, I have news for you, you are wrong.
Anyone Can Get a Million Dollars
This might be a surprise to you but anyone can get a million dollars relatively effortlessly. In Australia the average salary is $78 000. Anyone serious about saving will cut spending their money on crap and aim to save 40% each year, which equates to roughly $31 000.00.
Each year, bank $31 000 and in just over 30 years you will have a million dollars.
Some of you might think that’s a long time, or 40% is too much. If you want something you will be willing to put in the effort and time.
What I am getting at, is that the average Australian can save $1 000 000 by the time they are in their 50’s.
I hate to break it to you but if you are at $1 000 000 you are still middle class.
What Can a Million Dollars Even Buy You?
In Australia the median house price is around the $800 000 mark, the average price of raising a child until they are seventeen is $300 000 and the average family has 1.8 children.
Congratulations, you are already an additional $340 000 in debt.
I’m not saying don’t have kids, or don’t buy a house, and I am not saying $1 000 000 isn’t much. Hell, I would love to have $1 000 000.
What I am saying is you need to…
Aim Higher
People set achievable goals.
This is bad.
Anyone can achieve what they desire with the right attitude and work ethic. However very few people have the right attitude and work ethic. As a result they don’t set SMART goals as they don’t want to disappoint themselves, instead they set EASY goals.
Goals that are “realistic” and with little effort can be obtained. For most that is the $100 000 salary mark or $1 000 000 savings etc.
I get it, putting in effort for something that isn’t guaranteed is daunting and humans inherently have a “flight” response when it comes to the unknown.
People need to start stepping out of their comfort zone, because out there is where you have any hope of achieving your inner desires. Instead of 100k aim for 200k, side hustle and do what it takes to earn that extra income.
If you earn 200k you are in the top 3% of earners. Instead of $1 000 000 aim for $10 000 000.
Check out the video by Grant Cardone, reinforcing this concept.
P.s. I won’t say no to anyone wishing to donate $1 million.
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