Your blog needs to change

Curtis Tredway
4 min readOct 8, 2018


My life has been a roller coaster over the last 24 months, I have had a failed start-up, launched my first business, gone through my final year of uni, been kicked out of home and ended a tumultuous relationship with my girlfriend of 4 years.

Some may say it has been a shit storm, and it has been, but I appreciate every bit of it as it has allowed me to hone in on my values and ambitions.

We Change

For a very long time I had been wanting to work on my personal brand and last year I started working on it.

I still have a lot to learn and work on (particularly consistency) though I am getting better at it, but one thing I have learned is your personal brand, should be a reflection of yourself.

Don’t make it something that you aren’t.

If you make your personal brand be about something you aren’t you are going to plateau, your content will suffer and you simply won’t enjoy the experience.

During the past two years I have tried producing content according to my various passions, including fitness, motivation, digital marketing and entrepreneurship.

Whilst I was pursing each of these areas I loved, I was trying to make myself out to be someone I was not and sound like other generic KOLS (knowledge and opinion leaders).

Ultimately I began focusing on digital marketing the most as this is a field I specialise in and want to establish myself in. After awhile the content began to sound dry, I wasn’t being myself and I was speaking in a voice that was not my own.

As much as I love digital marketing and wish to become an established industry leader, producing daily digital marketing content for my business, clients and my personal blog…I began to lose that spark.

Hone Your Niche

You will hear every single industry leader and influencer speak about the importance of finding your niche, I thought digital marketing would be my niche, I was wrong.

My ultimate goal is to build something of myself so that I am in a position to help others and so I figured I would grind out digital marketing content and focus on this field until I had enough resources behind me to expand my horizons.

What I realised with my digital marketing niche is a) it was too broad and b) it was only a small part of what encompasses me and it doesn’t align with my ultimate objective.

I needed to sculpt away at my niche further, so I took a step back and re-framed everything.

I broke down my passions, ambitions, frustrations and the lessons I have learned from influencers such as Gary Vaynerchuck and Kerwin Rae. To create a list of the things that I value and am working towards, and here is what I got.

  • I want to get to a position of influence so I can inspire others
  • I want to show others that there are different paths to success and different levels of success
  • I want to show other millenials that “unrealistic expectations” aren’t necessarily unrealistic
  • I want to work on my own personal growth
  • I want to be producing content about all areas that I am interested in, and not just be limited to my professional field.

(I highly recommend you make a similar list for yourself)

After going through a rough year and pursuing multiple objectives, I managed to narrow my focus.

My personal brand isn’t about digital marketing, or fitness, or business, my personal brand is about inspiring others to define their own definition of success and that there are a myriad of ways to achieve these goals.

Since figuring out this niche, I have reinvigorated my content and my vision. I know what I want and I know what I need to do to get there.

Since allowing my personal brand to reflect my personality more and where I am currently at, my content has been better and I have produced my three highest performing posts consecutively.

Be Open To Change

No matter what niche you are in, it is important that you find your own voice and produce content that reflects you and not the industry standard.

At the end of the day we each live our own realities and as such to truly be content and satisfied you need to be doing what makes you happy.

Remember, your’e personal brand should not be a facade, it should represent you and we all go through different stages in our lives.

So don’t be afraid to let your blog grow as you do.

As For Me?

I am partnering up with a like-minded entrepreneurial friend of mine, Jesse Kerema, to create a platform for other young, like-minded individuals.

That is where Project RNT comes in.

The idea of Project RNT is to demonstrate to others that your dreams are achievable, and that you don’t have to know what you are doing in the present to be successful in the future.

We will be equipping you with the knowledge, skill-set and tools to be able to conquer all of your goals in the future, and the best part is we are going to show you how to have fun whilst doing it.

Please give our new Instagram account a follow to show your support!

P.s. We will be uploading our first podcast October 20th so stay tuned.



Curtis Tredway

Will I author my own reality, or will I hand the pen to someone else? I am a digital marketing specialist and content creator with a dream to go international.